Monday 28 April 2014

Inspiration: Starry Nights

What really inspired me for a scene of the animation was after learning what you could do with a camera and stars. If someone takes a picture of the sky at night, when all the stars are out, and leaves the shutter open for a prolonged period of time, the camera will capture the image of the stars trails.

The results normally end with this being the result:

I found this effect to be really interesting. It captures the light as the star is moving, and creates this beautiful star pattern. This idea of manipulating the universes natural beauty really inspired me. In terms of elements this links in well to the idea of star signs as the constellations would also produce this kind of effect.

I wanted to experiment with my own version of this Shutter Stars, however unfortunately the nights since I have discovered this have been cloudy, with very few clearly visible stars.

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