Friday 14 February 2014

Ink Drops

We experimented by making use of water and ink. We got a range of glass containers, filled them with water and then dropped various colours of ink into them, then made use of macro/ super macro, to take pictures of how the ink spread through the water.

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With these images I found that these were rather hit and miss. I fag felt some worked really well and showed interesting effects, while others remained rather bland or didn't spread properly.
I made two types of effects using the ink, the first was using a flat glass container and taking shots from above.

This was one of the better flat glass photographs. I thought that the red ink opposed the blue colour that the rest of the image had. The red could be seen as a corruption effect, or a battle between good and evil. I thought the idea behind this metaphor , linked to the first thoughts of which I had Creation and Destruction as the opposing sides.

This photograph I thought was interesting as the ink streamed in from the top. I thought the shape formed from the ink seemed interesting.

This was one of the most interesting photographs I had taken. The black ink was stronger in colour than the rest so it created a more prominent shape. The way it spread created a veil effect, showing areas of thick ink to thin. This variation reminded me of the exposure differences with the photograms, the lights and darks variating with the weight of objects.

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