Friday 28 February 2014

Photograms - Photoshop Edit

I decided to take the third attempt at photograms into Photoshop and play around with the settings. I first adjusted the levels and exposure.

I next decided to use some of the filters to see what sot of appearances I could get.

Filter: Photocopy

The 'Photocopy' filter on photoshop made it seem to use much more dynamic negative lighting. The shapes are more prominent which makes it look like a shadow, again with an Idea of corruption, like the previous Ink Drop piece. My favourite part of this version is the black spike shapes that spread from the bottom.

Filter: Plaster

The 'Plaster' effect makes the piece look like a splatter of some kind. Although the original shapes are no longer visible, the splash effect are shapes in their own right and looks like colour water has been splashed against the page.

Filter: Bas Relief

The 'Bas Relief' filter makes the image seem as its embossed in stone. It almost looks like the parts have been fossilised. This links to the idea of Earth I felt as the stone like appearance of the image worked well.

Filter: Half-Tone

The 'Half-Tone' filter reminded me again of the Ink drop experiment. It looked similar to when the black ink spread across the water.

Cyanotype Experimentation

 Filter: Graphic Pen

I though that this version looked interesting as it looked almost ghostly. The shapes are hard to make sense of, however the filter as changed the cyan background into one that resembles TV static, which I find rather different from the usual.

Filter: Sumi-E

With this filter, it looks as if the objects are beginning to fade away, the edges look like they are falling apart, this fading into darkness effect which has been created is something I will have to look into again, as although it doesn't link to the theme of the elements yet, I feel it could be altered to.

Layer effects

This version was made with layer effects, opposed to the previous filters. I used an emboss and drop shadow effect on the gear and feather to make them stand out from the rest. It looks as if the parts are being held above the paper, giving it an interesting effect.

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