Monday 24 March 2014

Experiment - Alchemy and the Elements

The basic ideas of Alchemy I've known for a while, however after looking through star signs they showed further links between the Elements and Alchemy. Alchemy makes full use of symbols in its design and in the past was used by many in pursuit of various goals.

In Europe, the most commonly known theory for Alchemy was the transmutation of common metals (e.g. Lead) and making it into rare metals (Such as silver or gold).

This alone was interesting however I thought that the most interesting theory, which many alchemists aimed to create, was the Philosophers stone.

To start this idea, I began by looking into the different symbols used in Alchemy, and their meanings.

Each region had their own set of rules for alchemy, these lead to different used for the symbols and how they were used.

The three primes were seen as the base reagents in the alchemical process.

In Western Alchemy, most experiments were started with the four basic elements, the symbols that were used are taken from the Hellenic.

With the Theory of Planetary metals, only the celestial bodies visible to the naked eye where linked to deities and presented as part of the alchemical equations.
I found that all the different symbols where really interesting, however the meaning behind them all even more so.

Another symbol that is seen frequently throughout alchemy, is the Ouroboros, a symbol seen throughout time, often used to show the idea of infinite. Its depicted as a dragon or serpent eating its own tail in a loop.

For experimenting, I started combining the various symbols to see how they would look, at this point I didn't take the symbols meanings into account, but rather how it looked.

For this one, I used the Fire Symbol as the outer walls, the Sol Symbol in the centre, and then used the three primes in the gaps which were created. After thinking about the meanings, The sun, is made of gas and fire, the Sun is in centre, like how it is in our solar system.

Next I decided on using a circle for the outer part of the symbol, however I decided on using the symbol of the ouroboros instead of just a circle. As said previously the Ouroboros in symbol form represents the infinite. I thought this would be interesting to see how it would look alongside the alchemical symbols.
My first version was this:

This symbol is made from the symbols of fire, water and sun. With this version the Ouroboros was within the circle.

With this version I actually replaced the circle itself with the Ouroboros.

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